Sunday 21 October 2012

Main & second & third~

The nest opened its branches to let someone in XDD And the first thing that certain individual did was staring at the modest bookcase that welcomes people in...but never really gets the chance to do so, since not many people tend to step inside. But that individual did. Also agreed it certainly is a very small nest. Everyone disappeared behind the white wooden boards that turned to coal. Even if it's dark and gloomy and small, it's still beloved home for me.

That was because, after cancellation, we headed towards the artsy meadow, in order to rest on the we waited for a signal. Since that signal never came, I had to create it myself XDDD

And we were accepted. So, we flew to the nest...and then, ran towards second home, a yellow and curious castle protected by a five headed cerberus :3 We spent most of the day speaking and telling our deepest, darkest secrets to the wide-smiled-enchantress that opened the castle's door in order to let us inside. And she listened, patiently and nicely, until dusk took the sun as its hostage and hunger thrived on engulfing our stomachs inside out XDDD

After satisfying our hunger and quenching our thirst, we proceeded to watch the magical mirror --which kindly told us epic stories-- and then laughed because the enchantress' sibling came in...until we had to part inside the small, yet noble steed that waited in order to take us in a trip where we were attacked from the entrails of our own bodies by tickling-old-nasty-tunes. Then, we enjoyed a bit more of the epic stories until my comrades fell under the tempting spell of the dreams...

Then the mirror was shut down and a soft murmur of conversation filled the air. Afterwards, all that could be heard were deep breathings and some horses running downhill.

Hours before that, a slight bit of yesterday suffered a loss and I wouldn't know about that until now. As for that moment, I was dreaming of a certain arachnid character...

We watched chimpanzees fighting their way through life...climbing and eating and smashing and killing at the beat of beautiful music.

Then, we ate sweet, round, puffy saucers...and, after that, I had a conversation with the guardians of the castle... Before I could do anything to resist, I got separated from my first companion and the enchantress and her sibling abducted me. When I came back to my senses, I was in a place attacked by a radiant sun and I was wearing black...

I saw blue uniforms with a crossed white line on them. I heard a couple of detonations. I frowned. The taste of earth on my mouth and the licking sun weren't as bad as I thought they'd be and I screamed and yelled of joy as I watched the game begin... I stole some images of it and saved them in one of the sibling's portable mirror.

They were victorious. Then, they celebrated with liquid gold and some sliced and crisped tubers. A dog's nose was bleeding and the back of another was too. It was late already. I had to leave. I did... Wind rushed through my hair strands and I felt happy...

Then I woke up. And I fed myself. And I knew of the night loss. And I worried about the eldest... Although I was told no one would tell her anything u.u

I just hope she'd be alright u.u

This is the end indeed. And I'm glad. Transformation. We certainly need it :) But I still need to clean myself before I can leave again to my new adventure :) 

And I know where you live again XDDD

Many, many bonuses :D

I needed to because it's so funny XDDDD

The arachnid I dreamt about drawn by Azer, one of my favourite artists :BBB ;v;~<3

And, also drawn by her:

I love her style, sorreeeeeeh ;O; 

See ya later, lizards~ :') XD

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