Saturday 4 August 2012

One step closer...

I guess this is the reward you get when you wait enough for things to happen.

Sound's one of the greatest joys in life for me. Don't ask why, I have no idea. All I know is that I love sounds and I hate noise, but I can try to unravel it in order to detect each and every single one of the things that composes it to understand it XDDD I love jokes when people tell them to me with funny inflections...and those inflections tend to make me laugh a lot more that the joke itself u.u

I think that's also why I love dubbers and seiyuus so much more than actual actors... Or actors with dreamy voices and accents that make you shiver with the power they put in their voices when they act. One of my biggest dreams in life is to be able to do that... To transmit all kind of emotions through my voice. I love to sing...and I already do some impressions...of people, of cartoon or movie characters, of my family members or random stuff like that. People laugh. I also fake crying and...when I was at jr. high, I tried to recite poetry once at school and my classmates were so shocked when I did that they fell silent for a moment...and then started clapping.

The only thing is... I do suck at acting. I'm better at improvisation. I need to improve u.u

Anyways... All this is because I went to a Dubbing School today XD I had a free class...and it was nice :) I went to that same place about three years ago...and I felt as excited (if not more) as I felt when I was there the first time =w= *blissful sigh*

I'm registering myself next week :3 Classes start on September 1st :3 I'm happy! °((>w<))° I'll try to do my best because it is something I've wanted to do since forever~ :3 XDDD


  1. RINCON DOING VOICES? I would looooove to hear that XDDD I am the type to clamp my mouth shut because I am sure my voice is nothing goo to listen to (though my sisters have told me I make great seal noises... /shot)

    GOOD LUCK with the course, I am sure you'll do great :D Also doing something you want=best thing ever! Don't give it up, love!

    1. Yup :) As soon as I get my first significant role, I'll let you know XDD Awww, I'd love to hear your voice some time, Kuro huuuun~ <3

      Well, my friends at jr. high used to like me singing to them. And my friends and family now laugh at my silly voices and accents XD Hahaha! I'd love to hear your seal voice! XDDD

      Thank you very much ;v; I'll post about my first day there...on September XD I'll surely try my best! >w<9

  2. Oh gosh, my voice? That's probably even worst than my seal noises XDD Though I can't wait for that post sweetheart, I'm sure you'll do great! :D

    1. Yesh, your voice~ :3 Boo, I wanna listen someday! XD

      I hope so :) I'm sure going to try my hardest and my bestest of best! XD
