Saturday 25 August 2012


Today, I saw my amore. He's my best male friend and I love him very much. We met seven years ago in a Harry Potter club. He was Ravenclaw's Head of House and I was a newbie there. I don't even understand how the hell we ended up talking so much and...well...being friends. But I am glad, though. I looked up to him so much back then. I still do.

So, we had a walk at the very same park we met as we drank milk-shakes and talked about life and plans and school and work and fandoms...and stuff. We laughed lots. That made me happy. It was somehow reassuring. There weren't awkward silences of any type and we talked about pretty much everything...and went on talking more XD

That means we're still in the same channel XD And that makes me happy because he's one of those persons I want to have near me as long as I can... And I hope that long to be very, very, very long u.u


On a side note...

* As I walked to the avenue's bus stop I saw, in a little shop near my house, White Collar's first season. I remembered someone, of course~ XDDD <3

* I had an 8 in my first French evaluation: 8 outta 13 in the first paper; 12 outta 12 in the second. I suck so much XD I'll try harder next time, I guess... ^^;


  1. It's glad to know everything is going pretty good, love :D Good friends are hard to come by, especially those that stays for this long! ;DD


    PPS: Bonjouuuuuur~ Como ca va? Ca va bien! Au voir. There is some accents in there... somewhere. That's the extent of MY french LOL

    1. Yes! :D Stuff's been nice lately XD He's a nice guy u.u I love him much ;^; XD

      PS: I know XDD That's why I couldn't help but think of you XD

      PPS: I'm just learning how to read academic texts. I feel intimidated XDDDD
