Friday 17 August 2012

They got here~~!! :DDDD

So, I had a nice day last Wednesday. Starting from the fact that I love my SS...but next week's my last week there u.u I twirled and laughed in my chair as Dan and I wrote stuff for our bossette (who is just lovely). The only bad things were stupid sun (which, you  should  know, I hate) and that I didn't bring my music with me u.u But I brought something to read, so the way back home was...decently nice (excepting the big girl sitting right next to me, sweating like mad and wearing a sweater... For Heaven's sake! Sun was hotter than HOT D: Why on EARTH would you do that?!)...

Anyways, that wasn't the point of this post XD The point was THIS! :DDDD

Sorry, safety first :D XD

Tadáaaaaa~~! It got here  right on Wednesday... And my stupid brother wanted to open it D: I wonder what he would've said if he did… XDDD 

...Actually, I do know what he'd do and it's not a good picture ¬¬

Anyways, even though you already know what’s it got inside, I wanted to post pic of it all here :D

When I first saw it, I was wondering: why is it so big? Well, not big, but…yes XD Bigger than a letter, I meant XD

So, after I took a pic of it and uploaded it to Instagram, I stared at it…and noticed these nice stamps :DDDD

Monkey One, Monkey Two and Monkey Three :DDDD Aren't they nice? :D They sure are nice! And they're even "texturized" and all XD

This is a very nice way of keeping it from tearing itself apart :)

Ah. It opened! Ö

There. And here it came. I first saw this…like this XDDD


And I was like: “Hm…what is this? o.o It’s in Jap~ :D Lesse…” And so, as I turned it around, I saw this:


And I squealed like a fangirl…which wasn’t good because my father and my youngest brother were there XD So I showed them…and they just smiled XD I opened it up and I tried to read... But I failed u.u XD

I loved how they featured each of them :DDD I was stupidly happy about it! °((>w<))° 

Then, I took the rest of the thingies out :D In this order:

Dunno why it appeared vertically. I took it horizontally u.u

Kuuruna hito tachi dayo~!!! XDDD They look way too cool here~~! :DDDD


I was about to squeal at this one too... But I didn't because it wouldn't've been safe to show my dad and my bro X////DDD

EYEPATCH!!! PS, where's the rest? D: Tell me!!

When I saw this I was like... "PS? But where...? Did she write anything else? D: Where?!"

Then I saw this and shut up for a while~! °((>w<))° Brotherly love~! °^°9

And... as I tried to catch my breath I looked for Kuro's message...because I was sure you would've written something D: And then I found it. Right on the back of that BEAUTIFUL Cherikiss post card >3<

So, I think you may be happy to know...that I love your "random" concept and...that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this gift from you, my dearest, DEAREST KURO HUUUUUUUUN~! Thank you so much~ ;^; You've made me so happy indeed u.u I'll try to send you something... I dunno what, but I'll try hard to find nice things to send you...someday ;^;

As for the Thorki fic... I'll be patient. I know you've got things to do u.ub XDDD



There =w=

Also... My Amore ordered three Ravenclaw beanies for us (by 'us' I mean: him, Aio and me). We've been wanting those for about a year now...or maybe more, am not sure. It was hard to get them, but in the end...they arrived on Wednesday too! :DDD He's got them in his house, but they're here! :D And we're happy about it =w=

This is the one :DDD XD

Nice mail day, wasn't it? :DDDDD XDDD


  1. Holly mother of Thor! everything is so cool XD

    1. I know!!! She's such a sweetiepie~! :3 XDDD

  2. OMG! I am laughing so hard, I thought writing it on the back of that Erik/Charles kiss would be the easiest to see (apparently not XDDD)

    I didn't know the order of the papers would get that jumbled up, I just threw them all into the envelope, but I still can't believe the tape was so weak it opened DDD: Thank god nothing exploded out from it, that would've been embarrassing... XDDD

    I am so glad you liked it, that ravenclaw beanie is suppppper adorable (take a pic with you wearing it! ;DD)

    PS: LOVED the thor closeup XDDD

    1. Hahaha! I knew I must've been a Cherik one...but I wasn't fast enough to catch it XDD Was too busy being stupidly excited XD

      Besides, I was trying not to drag too much attention to me XD

      Mah, don't worry :3 No, it wasn't weak :D I opened it here myself ^^ It was safe enough :3 Hahaha! No, but really, it wasn't weak :D

      I didn't like it. I LOVED it~ <3 Veeeeeery much :3

      I soon as I can XD But I hope you don't mind seeing my horrible face under that adorableness XD

      PS: I knew you would ;D

    2. What are you talking about? Your face is the adorable thing that is going to be on the pic, not the hat, at least not that much anyway XDDDDD

    3. You've never seen my face...have you? o.o XD

      The hat is cuuuuuute by itself~ u3u XDDDD I'll just post a pic of the hat :D XD

      OK, no. But I'll try to make myself presentable XD
