Monday, 26 November 2012

She's got tickets to her own show...

But she doesn't want any of them to go-o-o~

Changed the lyrics XD


Saturday's exam was great :DDD Well, at least it was...I dunno if "better-than-expected"'s the phrase I'm looking for, but yeah... Something like that XDDD

I managed to wake up when I had to (6:30 am, saturday morning X_x) and then I proceeded to "smart" myself up (which, in this case, means: Take a shower, put clothes on, brush your teeth and leave the building). Right before I ran through the door, my mum came out, with her bed-face still put, tried to smile and asked me: "You're already leaving? :D" I obviously answered "yeah :)" and she then told me: "Do your best, sweetie. Text me once you've done great :D" I smiled truthfully, hugged her, kissed her head and then left. She wanted to go and also did my dad but, in the end, they told me they wouldn't go because they didn't want me to be nervous u.u

When I arrived, my friend B was outside with her boyfriend. We chatted for a while and then the teachers got there too. We stayed downstairs and B gave me a yogurt because I was  starving and I didn't want my angry stomach to rawr in the middle of the play D: Then, V came and we went upstairs in order to get ready.

And so we did. It was such a show at that moment D: My classmates had to wear special make up to look like...dead people. And I had to look as though I just went out of the morgue ._____. Which means: make up... A LOT of it. I dunno how to make up... So I was waiting as everyone were busy with their own faces...until B came to rescue me...right after she had to comb and dress another girl's hair...which...wasn't really nice because her hair was dirty and stuff u.u

Anyways, the two hours we had to get ourselves ready ran absurdly fast D: Suddenly, all the people that went to see the exam were there and we were all frustrated and tired XDDD But we entered the room (it is a room indeed XD) and we started. Since I was the last one to enter, I waited outside and repeated all my friends' lines. At least the ones I knew by heart...not all of them. Surprisingly, I didn't feel nervous or anything. I didn't even go over my lines all over again. I was just so sure they would come to me as soon as I went in...because, happily, Lidia's intervention is quite smooth. So, yeah...

I took my glasses off and the place was quite dark because we were supposed to be inside a crypt, so I think that also helped XDDD

After we finished, they asked us to repeat the play for the people who didn't make it into the room... Legend says the school's headmistress was on the verge of tears at the end of it. So we did it again, right after the choir exam and the dubbing exam. And it went even better than the first one. The dubbing teacher told us he was nicely surprised because we managed to make him feel all the angst and drama and all that in his chest. So, he was happy because that was the point.

When he went near me, he hugged me (he always does when I see and greet him, but this time he did it way too tightly) and said: "You were amazing. You almost made me cry... Really, thank you. You were great...". I was happy because he's been an actor for more than 30 years...and he studied at one of the most prestigious drama school's here in my country... I was so honoured. I didn't see him staying any longer with any of my classmates... I felt special >//3//>

Then, photosphotosphotosphotos, smiles, tears, comments, congrats, stuff... B was amazing. She was my mother in the play :3 But she also helped us all with our outfits and make-up and everything. And she also, obviously, acted. She's an amazing person u.u

After we took off the make-up and the outfits we were wearing for the play and also managed to clean up all our mess, we left. Before that, we went and said good-bye to all the others. When I went to the dubbing teacher, he said, again, that I surprised him way too much. I think he was in awe because these were my first three months there (most of the cast had been there for like...six months already)... And...well, he doesn't know this, but it's true: I've never really acted in my whole life. Only in silly primary school plays...where I was Michael Archangel (always) and my greatest accomplishment was kicking the devil's ass (which also happened to be the boy I liked back then =w= XD). The only thing I've done is giving light-hearted, silly "shows" to my friends whenever I start talking...and reading novels, fanfiction and my own writing out loud...just because. And also because I love impersonating people and random movie-cartoon-anime-stuff

After that, B told me I owned the play...and that she realized, that week, that she was jealous of me ._____. Then I told her not to be because she was AWESOME. And we both still needed to improve a lot u.u It's true. I admire her way too much u.u 

That somehow scares me ._____.

She also asked me not to leave this because she'd love to see me acting and stuff... And also whether I could teach English to the girl that's teaching her to sing, so she could teach me how to sing too... She's an opera singer ._____. XD

I sometimes think she's kinda pushy and bossy... But truth is...I'd love to learn how to sing :'DD But I can't teach anything to save my life, so... XDDD And I like B way too much :3 She's sweet and nice and caring~ XD


It's kinda sad because they're leaving to the next module and I'm gonna be alone (well, there'll be like...three classmates there...the ones that entered the class when I did... But my friends were the ones who are leaving  now u.u). There should be new people too...but I dunno u.u Obviously, it won't be the same u.u

Then we went to drink coffee and celebrate and it was nice ^w^ And I...somehow felt guilty because I somehow didn't let my parents attend the exam u.u *sigh*

On Sunday, E, another friend, uploaded some vids of the presentation... I linked Karu to them and she told me she liked the way my voice sounded very much. She was...somehow...overwhelmed... .____. I think she knows what she's talking about because she's seen this play like...thousands of times before, so... Then I showed two of those vids to my mum and she said she didn't recognise me at first...and less she did when I started talking. She said my voice sounded different. My dad says he felt something in his chest when he heard me talking the way I did... Even my brothers thought I was great...and that I really didn't sound like myself at all...

I guess that's a good thing... ^^;

But I've still got to improve a lot more u.u I won't get stuck! >''<9

Random notes...

* I feel so confident lately...and that makes me feel happy :3

* My thesis teacher hasn't sent me anything yet u.u

* SID's newest single's finally out. I got it like a week ago... I LOVED the B-side, as I tend to do. And I truly do believe it relates way too much to my Karma stuff ;^; *creys* (aka: she tried to translate it). Might put it here, someday...

* I might start Japanese next January...and another language. I dunno whether I should choose romanian or russian XD

* I've been back to Twitter... But I still don't feel all good when I twit u.u I'm still feeling slightly uncomfortable. But I don't feel as bad as I used to when I saw them both twitting to each other. Also, I'm still feeling impatient. But I still think it's not time yet...

* I got my driving license this morning =w= XDDD

...and bonus :P

VINCENT PHANTOMHIVE!!!! :VVVV From Kuroshitsuji =w= Sorry. I dunno why, but I love this character. Although...he doesn't really appear much because he's dead ._____. But when he appears in  flashbacks, I tend to have these fangirl attacks and stuff... XDDD Here you have him~ =w= In all his school boy splendor~ <3 XDDD

Am gonna keep it up and I'm doing my best to improve lots more! I feel so inspired to do that~ :3

Friday, 23 November 2012

And...this is about to end, I guess...

Et je me sens mieux...

Today is the last day of the semester :D School's official Twitter account already bid farewell to our generation. I sent my teacher the first two chapters of my graduation project last night and I had my last beloved MNM class. It was quite fun :D Although I was kinda tired and I kept yawning u.u

And then...

Tomorrow's my first acting exam. And I'm kinda...uneasy =A= Ha...haha...ha. I do know all my lines, but I still feel like that. I guess that's normal... My teacher told me it was good that I felt all nervous because that meant I was in the right place. I guess...that means you need to be over-sensitive for these kinda things .____.

But I don't really like to feel that bad D:

I say so because I was so nervous the first day I played Lidia (not when I read her part, but when I already knew she was mine) that, when I came back to the nest, my head hurt like hell, I threw up and I went to sleep at 7:30 pm... =______=

Next day I was quite alright .______. I just hope I can do a good job u.u They told us we'd have professional voice actors in the audience... *dies*


It's been two months already. Last Wednesday, actually. Ha...haha *sigh* I must say I feel a lot better. And I'm somehow impatient. But I don't wanna push things. I somehow feel it's not time... Not yet. Then, I start feeling anxious and feeling I need to talk to her again because...she might not like me anymore whenever I decide it is the right time to come back. But then I tell myself it might be time's been over for eight months already...

And then Tú comes and hits my head... And tells me to mind my own business for now and that time will come if it ever has to. And if it doesn't, then it's also OK. We did our best as long as we were there and as much as we could and we need to follow the winds of change XDDD

Maybe he's right. I feel this mighty need of being my life's main character for once (yeah, I thought I was the secondary character and the only reason I was here was to help other people out. But lately, there's been  this impatience in Tú telling me I need to take this more seriously u.u)... I should be starting already.

...And she just faved the twit I retwited from my school .____. Hahaha... Ha >3>

And I can't write decently well anymore ;^; *creys manly tears of sorrow*


Bonus! :D

'Pool... Because he's awesome and I love him and he always makes me feel better even if his own life's horrible u.u :)

Wish me luck ;^; XD I should be sleeping already .______. XD

Friday, 9 November 2012

Just for the record...

My brother called me "gay" today.

My granny called me "queer" today too.

My brother called me "gay android" today when I came back from my granny's house because I was wearing an Android t-shirt with a pink bow on top of its head.

And I remembered this:

It's right at the end. But, yeah. You may watch it all if you'd like XD It's hilarious XD

Was today the National Let's-All-Talk-About-Rincon's-sexual-inclination Day and I wasn't aware of that? XDDDD

On a side note...

I've already learned all my lines~ :BBB XD

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Things are happening... XD

So, here we are... In the blooming flower of our youth, with a whole path ahead of us and then...

Suddenly you don't really know what you gonna do XD

I always knew I wanted to write. I also knew I wanted to do something with my voice. Not that my voice is amazing, but I was keen on that. Then I stated I would write...but also correct and edit other people's work. I also wanted to learn to play (or at least listen carefully) music... 

I'm not saying I'm gonna act for a living, because...I still dunno why all this is happening. But the fact that this is another door opening makes me feel kinda encouraged and happy :3 That means I'm not as useless as I thought I was :3


I'll explain myself because I wanna XDDD

Two weeks ago, I went to my acting class, as I always do XDDD But we were out of people because...well, we assumed that it was because semester's near to its end and people are getting busy. We didn't have enough people to cover up all the characters in the main play we're rehearsing. So, my teacher told me: "You're gonna play Lidia today..." Lidia's like...the main character of that play. And I was like: "But I'm Eva... You sure?" He told me not to worry and to do as I was told. So... I entered as Eva, I said my line as I always did... And then came back as Lidia (because she appears later on). When I started acting as Lidia...I could hear my teacher mumbling: "This is so touching..." but I didn't say anything or reacted in any visible way. I just snorted quietly and went on. Of course, I had to read the whole thing, but I tried my best to put some inflections and motion to whatever I said.

So, as we finished, he told us to go and sit so we could talk about the rehearsal. As I went to my place, a friend told me: "You should change and play Lidia! You were amazing!" I only laughed and told her: "Well, go and tell that to the teacher! XD" and then I added: "No. Thank you very much for your words, but she's Itza's and I really am in love with Eva :)" And then the teacher came and told me:

"You did an incredible job at this. You gave the character a whole new personality, your voice tunes, the way you acted. I even think they (my classmates) felt a lot more comfy with you. You're showing me could've done whatever part I would've given you...whether it was the old lady, the girl...even a man. You really do have a knack for acting. I really think so. Now you're putting me in a difficult situation because I gave you the foreign woman because you could do the accent at the moment I asked you to do it. But it'd be unfair for the girl who's playing Lidia for real, so...I'm sorry. I'm not giving you this part. But you really did a good job at this and I'm sure you can do whatever I ask you to... Thank you".

And I was all happy because he didn't take Eva from me XD

The rest of the class were my friends telling me how much they enjoyed my Lidia interpretation...and me thanking them... One of them (the same girl who told me she would've wanted me to play that character from now on) told me it was the first time she actually felt the angst in Lidia. And I told her that...maybe...just maybe that was because the other girl gave the impression she didn't know what she was saying. Meaning: she didn't fully comprehend Lidia.

So. That happened that day.

Last weekend I dreamt about the play and I was slightly uneasy. I somehow felt that part was meant to be mine... But I thought I was overthinking everything, as I often do. And I still love Eva D: So, I tried not to think much about that anymore.

But yesterday, I a hurry. I wanted to write as much as I could of my thesis work because I thought I wouldn't have time to write today. Then I told myself: "But you don't have school tomorrow"... But I still felt sure I was going to have things to do today.

And today came my teacher's mail telling me he was giving me that part... But I think that's because the girl who was playing it won't come back. So, the main character's mine. And I'm gonna miss Eva ;^; I couldn't do much today because I was trying to learn her lines by heart u.u And also because a stupid silly mountain of dishes waited for me to wash them...and because mum wanted me to stay with her u.u

So, yeah! :D It's weird to be told you are good at something you first thought you sucked at. But I really am trying my best and I think people can tell, so... I'm glad and thankful for that :3


I think Bram Stoker would die again if he knew that tomorrow, a day after his 165th birthday, will be Breaking Dawn's opening night.

I'd like to kill all the twilighters, tho =w=

Nevertheless, happy 165th birthday, Mr Stoker. You were irish and a writer...and you wrote Dracula. I love you.

And this:

Here is a story to break your heart...
...Are you willing?


Journey into Mystery #645 ;^; I found them at tumblr. I read the last 5 numbers and I was all ;^; half the time *creys more* Kid!Loki rocks ;^;

I want a copy of #645, because the art is beautiful. But I think there are none here ._____.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

My world for a Paperman-like romance!


Today I watched Wreck-It Ralph. I confess that, as many other persons, I didn't expect much of it. But I must say I was nicely impressed, although I do believe it isn't a children movie. All the references of old arcade games...well, I think only kids with older (but OLDER) brothers...or young parents or kids at heart will appreciate it and laugh at them u.u I say so because that's what happened today at the theatre. Karu and I were the only ones laughing and there were like...8 kids (they were like 10-11 years old) and they just weren't laughing as much as she and I did XDDD Also its music was great! I loved it much! >w<9 It was composed by Henry Jackman (also composed xmfc's soundtrack, btw :P). Ralph's such a sweetheart ;^; And his friendship with Vanellope's warms my heart in this cold weather =w= XDDD

Also, I loved Calhoun and Felix~ <3 <3 <3 <3 Calhoun's hoooooot and such a badass :BBBB

And PAPERMAN! OMG! PAPERMAN!! I want a romance like that, pretty please? °((>w<))° XDDD Its animation, its music, its story... Superb, really. Fecking Disney, mate >''<

I also loved the dubbing u.u Although... I'm still not very much satisfied with María Antonieta de las Nieves... I do know she was a dubber when she was younger and all. And I even stood up for her when Karu's friends said she was only star-talent. But now that I listened to her in that role...I think you can tell her voice didn't really suit Vanellope that well u.u It felt forced...and somehow rough u.u I do respect her work...but...geee... I really do think she wasn't the best option u.u I had to eat my words this time u.u

As for the others... Shame on me. I just needed like...two words...two effing words and I could tell who they were XDDDD I'm ill, prolly XDDD But I love it!! I feel so happy when I can tell who they are :BBB


That aside, I've been feeling a lot better. Sometimes, I get a little bit depressed, but I stand up again because I've not much time to lose now >3> End of semester's near...and I still haven't done anything of my thesis work... Although I've read some stuff already XDDD

Problem's I need to write it and I don't feel like thinking much XDDDD

I'll start writing tomorrow u.u I'm kinda tired today XDDD

Bonus :DDDD

By Onac911@tumblr

Makes me laugh XDD

And extra bonus, also by her:

Stoopid. But made me laugh way too much XDDD