I suddenly got inspired...and started writing stupid stuff ._____. You know...like quotes, but not quite, 'cos they're mine and all... But they were kinda angsty XDDD
So, yeah. I think it must be the atmosphere. You know...Halloween and stuff.
I'm planning to go visit the Día de Muertos ofrendas at CU with my family. But I dunno if it'll be possible u.u I'll bring photos if I can, tho :D
Anyways, Happy Halloween, everyone~! :3
Today there's no bonus...because I'm tired XD
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Love? Or something else? :3
The word "love" doesn't exist in the mixteca imaginarium. There is no word in mixteco to name such an abstract concept. But there is something you can say in that language that's similar to the "love" concept. She didn't tell us what the word was (the mixteca writer that told us all this), but she did tell us what it meant in Spanish and I'll translate it in English now:
Your essence met mine.
Tu esencia me tomó.
Your essence took me.
Mixtecas are the people of the rain :3 Their language, in their own words, is known as "words of the rain".
*sigh* Such a nice concept... Such beautiful things, different cosmogony: transformation as well. So amazing...
And all that's in my own country. I wish I had more time and people to teach me those languages u.u I'd love to learn mixteco and tsoltsil :BBB Also náhuatl...but mixteco sounds so much like chinese and tsoltsil is more like...crackling fire~ <3 A lot more click-clack~ =w=
I know. I always come and type here whatever silly thing comes to my mind or happens in my life. Today it ain't something silly. It's something pretty :) And magical. I loved my class...but I love it a lot more now :BBB
Bonus! Talking about change and transformation :BB
A butterfly~ :3
Special mention to Karu because tomorrow's her first day at work...and she was kind enough to go and see me today.
Monday, 29 October 2012
This was it :)
I'm uncontrollably excited XDDD
I finally told her what I felt... And she apologised and she explained... Not that she actually had to. But she told me nice things and that lifted that damn heavy weight from my back and my heart and all ;^; I'm so happy. I think I haven't felt like this ever since last year *creys*
So, let's keep this thing up! I'm happy, happy and uncontrollably excited. Things are getting better and I have to keep that up, no matter how hard it seems!
My acting teacher told me he thinks I'm good at acting. I don't think so myself, but it's good to know people like whatever silly things I come up with. He's not the only one. Friends there have told me the same. I dunno...
I'm gonna miss them when they leave for next module ;^; I'm gonna stay with my younger classmates...and I dunno if I am excited because of that.
I need to start, seriously, with that thesis now >3> Time's almost up! TOT
Mah, we'll sort it out somehow :BBB
Bonus! :DDD
Because it's funny. And I loved that hand XDDD
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Light, light, light~
Light. Light as bright as I haven't seen in weeks appeared right before me today.
And I also felt lighter XD
Oh, irony. Who would've said I would have such a promising career in something I never really considered myself to be good at? XDDD
Who would've said you, among all people, would make me feel better? But not the way one would imagine XDDD
I'm such a bitch, really D: Sometimes... But what else do you want me to do? When I don't feel like doing stuff, then I don't feel like doing it and that's it. Same happens with longing...
There's something rotten in here...
And someone told me they thought me a mezzo D: XD Weird XDDD I've always thought my voice's way too light D:
*le sigh* Let's keep this up and see how much it lasts.
OMG! After a year or so of no update...here it came!
Today couldn't've been better, I tell ya :BBB
And I also felt lighter XD
Oh, irony. Who would've said I would have such a promising career in something I never really considered myself to be good at? XDDD
Who would've said you, among all people, would make me feel better? But not the way one would imagine XDDD
I'm such a bitch, really D: Sometimes... But what else do you want me to do? When I don't feel like doing stuff, then I don't feel like doing it and that's it. Same happens with longing...
There's something rotten in here...
And someone told me they thought me a mezzo D: XD Weird XDDD I've always thought my voice's way too light D:
*le sigh* Let's keep this up and see how much it lasts.
OMG! After a year or so of no update...here it came!
Today couldn't've been better, I tell ya :BBB
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Random note~
According to my last Multicultural Nation class, when shadows leave people’s bodies, they seek dark corners to keep warm because, in the absence of their body, they get cold… And the person who loses his/her shadow, gets ill.
I always tend to look for corners… I sit there and I sleep there...
Does that mean I’m a body-less shadow? o.o XDDD
I liked that conception, if I must be honest :9
So. Now I’m a body-less shadow~ <3 But no-body lost me XDDD
(Note: They told us that because we were speaking about traditional medicine in my country :3 There’s still a bit of magic in the air, y’know?)
Bonus. Just because :DDD
Let's move forward. I'm doing my best, I swear u.u Well...not really. But I'm gonna try harder! >w<9 Because I'm worth it XDDDDD And it's fair :3
random stöff,
skool stöff
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Main & second & third~
The nest opened its branches to let someone in XDD And the first thing that certain individual did was staring at the modest bookcase that welcomes people in...but never really gets the chance to do so, since not many people tend to step inside. But that individual did. Also agreed it certainly is a very small nest. Everyone disappeared behind the white wooden boards that turned to coal. Even if it's dark and gloomy and small, it's still beloved home for me.
That was because, after cancellation, we headed towards the artsy meadow, in order to rest on the lawn...as we waited for a signal. Since that signal never came, I had to create it myself XDDD
And we were accepted. So, we flew to the nest...and then, ran towards second home, a yellow and curious castle protected by a five headed cerberus :3 We spent most of the day speaking and telling our deepest, darkest secrets to the wide-smiled-enchantress that opened the castle's door in order to let us inside. And she listened, patiently and nicely, until dusk took the sun as its hostage and hunger thrived on engulfing our stomachs inside out XDDD
After satisfying our hunger and quenching our thirst, we proceeded to watch the magical mirror --which kindly told us epic stories-- and then laughed because the enchantress' sibling came in...until we had to part inside the small, yet noble steed that waited in order to take us in a trip where we were attacked from the entrails of our own bodies by tickling-old-nasty-tunes. Then, we enjoyed a bit more of the epic stories until my comrades fell under the tempting spell of the dreams...
Then the mirror was shut down and a soft murmur of conversation filled the air. Afterwards, all that could be heard were deep breathings and some horses running downhill.
Hours before that, a slight bit of yesterday suffered a loss and I wouldn't know about that until now. As for that moment, I was dreaming of a certain arachnid character...
We watched chimpanzees fighting their way through life...climbing and eating and smashing and killing at the beat of beautiful music.
Then, we ate sweet, round, puffy saucers...and, after that, I had a conversation with the guardians of the castle... Before I could do anything to resist, I got separated from my first companion and the enchantress and her sibling abducted me. When I came back to my senses, I was in a place attacked by a radiant sun and I was wearing black...
I saw blue uniforms with a crossed white line on them. I heard a couple of detonations. I frowned. The taste of earth on my mouth and the licking sun weren't as bad as I thought they'd be and I screamed and yelled of joy as I watched the game begin... I stole some images of it and saved them in one of the sibling's portable mirror.
They were victorious. Then, they celebrated with liquid gold and some sliced and crisped tubers. A dog's nose was bleeding and the back of another was too. It was late already. I had to leave. I did... Wind rushed through my hair strands and I felt happy...
Then I woke up. And I fed myself. And I knew of the night loss. And I worried about the eldest... Although I was told no one would tell her anything u.u
I just hope she'd be alright u.u
This is the end indeed. And I'm glad. Transformation. We certainly need it :) But I still need to clean myself before I can leave again to my new adventure :)
And I know where you live again XDDD
Many, many bonuses :D
I needed to because it's so funny XDDDD
The arachnid I dreamt about drawn by Azer, one of my favourite artists :BBB ;v;~<3
And, also drawn by her:
I love her style, sorreeeeeeh ;O;
See ya later, lizards~ :') XD
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Just because I LOVE this song XD
Wasted Years
Slow is the memory
And I can picture her standin' right in front of me
Said that I'm behaving badly
And kind of driving her crazy,
But I know she wants me
I remember everything
Her sweat, it tastes like sugar cane
And sitting on top of me, yelling out my fucking name
Until I'm empty
But I know she wants me
But I have already tried to explain myself
It's not that I love someone else
But I can't bear to listen to you cry
Sick of all these wasted years
Drowned in someone else’s tears
You let me down now I'm hanging you out to dry
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And I'll see you when I get back
Maybe we can get ourselves back on the right track
You touch me there because you know how much I like that
I think that we both need to relax, you know you want me
All the time and everywhere
A happy surface but the underbelly isn't there
And the worst thing is that I don't even really care
And the emptiness is too much to bear
But I have already tried to explain myself
It's not that I love someone else
But I can't bear to listen to you cry
Sick of all these wasted years
Drowned in someone else's tears
Let me down now I'm hanging you out to dry
'Cause sometimes I don't know what to do
I'm scared to stand right in front of you
The way our pain subsides
Can't bear the stare of your teary eyes
I know you feel like it's hard to stay
In fact you may just wanna run away
Now all that I can really say is baby oh
Deep down you know, yeah
I have already tried to explain myself
It's not that I love someone else
But I can't bear to listen to you cry
Sick of all these wasted years
Drowned in someone else’s tears
You let me down now I'm hanging you out to dry
...already tried to explain myself
It's not that I love someone else
But I can't bear to listen to you cry
Sick of all these wasted years
I’m drowned in someone else’s tears
You let me down now I'm hanging you out to dry
Oh, no, no, Oh, no, no
You dry
I wanna write something. Dunno what XDDD
Been putting Tú in a weight gain regime lately XDDD It's been fun. We're enjoying it much~ <3You know, since winter's coming and all that. We need to be warm and cosy for the cold coming soon and all that shit XDDD
Been sending mails everywhere too XDDD Lesse who hooks up :9
Music, songs, music, songs and music still. And arts. We all have severe mental diseases... But it's fine as long as they end up being productive XD
That is the case :BBB
I know where you live, btw XDDD
LOL. Found it when I was looking for Brian Molko's pics XDDD So accurate. I love Placebo...and I love its vocalist too :BBBB Way too much XDDD He's such a diva XDDD They released a new mini album yesterday~ <3
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Mister Grumpy Grumps XD
I can't stand the smell of cigarette plaiting with my hair strands...or my clothes' threads...
But everything leaves when you participate in such a stimulating conversation...and also when you take a shower XD
Moka, chocolate, two cigarette packets and a half... Dreams, trips, perspectives... Hopes, again, thank Odin.
Sudden calm. I think that's what I needed after such a "long" week. Hehehe XDD
Well, they say everything happens for a reason. And I definitely agree. This was something good...enlightening, lightening and good :3
Doors opening, opening wide... Light gets through it and I have to decide where to run XDDDD
For the first time in my life I feel I'm doing the right thing :3 And that I'm being fair with myself. I'm proud :DDD
I feel kinda rusty, tho XDDD But strangely free and light too. I can think now because I don't think much anymore and that helps me to breathe freely.
I can't walk up the school's deadly ramp because I hiperventilate now :DD Stupid lungs. You're getting way too big XDDD
...Fuck this shit! This is how it's gonna be from now on~♪ :P
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Say hello to the 'Pool :B
* Stuff happened and now I'm writing this thanks to Deadpool XDD Oh, Wade, Y U so handsome? XD I think I'm in loooove~ <3 XD
* I'd better start taking this seriously...or else, I might end up doing nothing and that ain't an option >w<9
* I've been way too tired. As in...tired and...sick of everything XD I want it to end already. It just won't go away from me... But I should give it a try :9
* I love Luc Besson's view on action films and his male main characters. He always makes me love them u.u Maybe it's because his stories tend to have a slight taste of true love in them (as in...general true love) and I am a helpless romantic.
* Been listening to new music. Passion's coming back to me but it ain't here quite yet.
* Doors are closing and I still have to think a lot about what's gonna stay and what's gonna leave. I've two more months to decide.
* The hole's getting smaller...
* Today, in Japan, was the first airing of Magi. I didn't know the manga, but I did know SID was gonna make the opening theme. Here it is :D
Its single will be out in November, I believe :3 I read Magi's first chapter...and I loved Aladdin chaaaaan~ He's so cute XD
* Today's one of my beloved sister's birthday. I love you way too much, Karu. You know I do. I hope you had a fantastic day and that this year is amazing for you :) I'll be giving you your birthday presents whenever we see each other again :)
Points. Nothing else. I love V.I.P :DDD Back to Aivi, tho XD
P.S.: I'm still intrigued by Matt Smith's facial features ._____. XD
random stöff,
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Hang on! Though we try...it's gone~ ♪
♪I hold an image of the ashtray girl
Of cigarette burns on my chest
I wrote a poem that described her world
And put our friendship to the test
And late at night
Whilst on all fours
She used to watch me kiss the floor
What's wrong with this picture?
What's wrong with this picture?
Farewell the ashtray girl
Forbidden snowflake
Beware this troubled world
Watch out for earthquakes
Goodbye to open sores
To broken semaphore
You know we miss her
We miss her picture
Sometimes it's fated
(We) Disintegrated it
For fear of growing old
Sometimes it's fated
(We) Assassinated it
For fear of growing old
Farewell the ashtray girl
Angelic fruitcake
Beware this troubled world
Control your intake
Goodbye to open sores
Goodbye and furthermore
You know we miss her
We miss her picture
Sometimes it's fated
(We) Disintegrated it
For fear of growing old
Sometimes it's fated
(We) Assassinated it
For fear of growing old
Hang on
Though we try
It's gone
Hang on
Though we try
It's gone
Sometimes it's fated
(We) Disintegrated it
For fear of growing old
Sometimes it's fated
(We) Assassinated it
For fear of growing old
Can't stop growing old...♪
Present, past... People leave... Some stay. Very, very few.
Past, present. People come back... Some leave. A whole bunch of them.
I've been talking to a high-school friend. I thought we wouldn't have much to say to each other. It's been about two years since we last saw each other. Surprisingly, even now, we're still laughing together and making plans. It ain't awkward, it ain't uncomfortable. It's very nice, actually. She was one of my dearest high-school friends and I always thought I loved her a lot more than she could've loved me because she never was warm enough...and she used to say she didn't like me being so...freaking huggy-dubby and stuff. So, I stopped doing that with her XD
Then, when we were on 6th grade, she told me half her heart belonged to me XD I laughed so much when she told me so, but it was sweet. I enjoyed being with her because we always talked lots and laughed... Even when we were talking about problems...we always laughed at them and were very keen on thinking everything positively. We also listened to music and drew and sang together and played and ran and laughed a little more like silly little girls when we were like...15 or something... I loved being with her. I always stayed till late at school in order to keep talking with her... I even took her bus home in order to continue...
I think I've never really done that with anyone else. She was an exception XD
*sigh* Now we're planning a podcast to laugh at our silly stuff. We used to record some of our conversations with my mobile phone and then laugh at them when we listened to them again. It was great.
It's nice to know we can still talk. I was scared we wouldn't be able to anymore. That's my biggest fear when it comes to friends because I absolutely love to talk and laugh and say stupid things XD
Anyways: This picture! That one's up there because I once made her recite the first part of it to me XDDD And she did! And also because this and another Placebo song (which I won't mention here because its name's embarrassing X///DDD) remind me very, very, very much of her =w=
She brain-washed me into them in the first place, anyways =w=
Well, not really, I already liked their music, but then stuff came and I forgot about them until she kindly presented them to me again and made me watch all the vids she had of them and lent me her CDs and all =w= In. A. Day. Just one. Yep XDDDD
It was fun tho. And they're good =w= I still love 'em XD
Madam Molko up there too, btw... Well, Mr Molko, more like XP
Monday, 1 October 2012
Here we go~ XDDD B-day post!
The so longed and wanted and desired b-day post XDDD Chanchanchaaaaaan~!
'Kay, not that much, but meh XDDD
I said I was gonna post it next month, didn't I? Well, it's October already, dammit! >''<
Such a short year D: So many things have happened. Gee. I can't even... u.u
Well, yeah, as a matter of fact... I can! I'm still alive, ain't I? But I haven't written anything for my thesis and then there's french...and those sudden urges of leaving everything attack me out of the blue and...well... XDDDD
Meh, here I come :)
I celebrated with my friends drinking freaking Nutella shakes at some restaurant! °((>w<))° They were so OMGsofreakingawesomeIlovedthem. 'Sides, I didn't know Nutella ice cream even existed D:
I dunno if I'd like to taste it. Might be way too sweet .______.
Anyways, here are the mighty shakes :B
So! We spent a nice time there and then went to have a walk at the park...and it was nice and all. At night, Ju called me to wish me happy birthday, but she was at work...and I was making her laugh. I'm such a bad girl :P Mwahahaha! XD
Next day (officially, my birthday), I went to my acting class XD I had a nice day~ <3 And I was almost leaving when a friend (yep, she's a friend already because she's been way too freaking nice with this freak and I vowed to love her ever since u.ú XDDD) asked me what did I want to do to celebrate my birthday. I told her I was gonna go and eat some tacos with my parents but she told me she wanted to celebrate with me: "Let's go get a coffee, at least. I don't want this to go unnoticed". So, we went to have a coffee. It was awesome :) My coffee and a birthday moka donut went on her ./////. I was really happy, talking about my life and fandoms and stuff XDDD And they're such nice people :)
Then I ran back to the nest because my family was starving already XD So, we went to eat tacos :9 On the way back home, we bought a cake for me (my brothers, more like XD) and we ate and were happy. Also, lots of messages in Facebook, mostly, were received.
That was my birthday. Next day all I did was watch Thor =w=
So. Here are the presents :3
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Spideypool in the first one!! :VVV Not in the second one, but it was great! :BB |
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Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe. Yes, I bought them. Yes, I read them XD |
These are part one of my own present XDDD Well, actually, Karu bought the second one in the first pic u.u Thank you so much for helping my insane growing fanatism, Karurururúru~ <3 XDDD
Then :D
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The Neverending Story by Michael Ende :3 |
As I said before, Karu gave me this one that week's Monday. I've started reading it and I love it so far :3 I'm right in the middle of it. And I sort of see a bit of myself in Fújur XDDD Lalala~
She also gave me this:
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Yukio Mishima's Kamen no kokuhaku~ <3 |
I've been wanting to read this book ever since my team and I did a gay literature magazine project for Design class :3 A friend of that team sent me a piece of it...and I was like: "DAMN! This man..." I mean...the way he describes and the way he makes you feel whatever he's telling you about... My Lord... He's just amazing! >w< I wanna read this as soon as I can :3
Then, these:
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A fish-y bookmark :3 |
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A business card XD Ha! |
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A froggy keychain :3 |
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A chococake~ XDDD |
Those were all Aio's ^^ Thank you very much~ <3 You are so thoughtful. It was nice seeing you again :3 The froggy keychain's already guarding my keys XD I loved it all~ <3
Hm...then... Oh, yeah! THE PACKAGE XDDD As I said, I was gonna open it until that saturday... And, after getting an inbox from Kuro, right at 12 o'clock, I got permission to open it XD And these are all the nice things that were inside it~ :3
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Spidey and Deadpool pins~ <3 |
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A Batman: The Dark Knight Rises glowing sticker~ <3 |
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Marvel stickers~ <3 |
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A poster~ <3 |
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Same poster~ <3 XD |
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A Deadpool comic! >w< XD <3 |
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And the letter~ <3 |
I loved it all, Kuro hun! I really did! Thank you very much °((>w<))° You're so nice with me ;^; I don't deserve you T^T9
And, last but not least, this :BBBB
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Yup, yup!: Earth's mightiest heroes! °((>w<))° This was part two of my birthday present, from me to me XD
And those were my birthday presents :3
Also, I finally got my Raven beanie :DDDD
Yes, those are my eyes. Don't get too excited. Was thinking whether it was prudent to show the other pic where...my face actually appears...but no XDDD I still have to pay for it, tho XDDD
My head's way too big D: XDD Poor beanie XD
Lalala~ <3
So, that's it! :D I also went to watch this beautiful movie with Karu and I wanna post about it... I might, but dunno XDDD Later, I guess XD
I also wanna write something...but I dunno what.
And then there're thesis and french... I hate them so much already XDDDD Lalala~ <3
Also, bonus:
Sorry, made me laugh way too much XDDDDDD
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