Saturday, 14 January 2012

Welcome to my corner~ :3

I ain't good at writing blogs. Yeah, that's a warning XD My life is as interesting as watching dust particles suspended midair (I liked doing that when I was younger, tho XD). And I'm as constant as air itself, now I come to think about it. But I still wanted to make one. Dunno why, don't ask XD Um... Also, I think I tend to be pretty serious whenever I write anything D: That's why I suck at writing humor, but I can still try ^^;

I think I should start by introducing myself :3 No name's required here, so you may call me Rincón or Rin-kun if you wanna. I'm as old as you think I am and I live in the farthest corner of Wherever-I-Am-ville XD If that's not ambiguous enough, I can say English isn't my mother language, but I try hard to use it because I'm sure the only person checking this will be the one who inspired me to write it in the first place XD But you might find out where I'm from if this isn't my last post XD I might even write in my mother language once in a while, but I dunno yet ^^;

I love my family, writing, peculiar words, drawing, music, SID, funny sounds, singing, handsome voices, dubbers, seiyuus, few anime and manga stuff, fangirling, editing my own work compulsively, watching few films, reading my friends' stuff, chatting with them and making them laugh. I love languages as well, but am way too poor to be able to learn them. Yeah, poor XD Have no money and no real time to learn as many as I'd like to u.u

Am also way too lazy and I'm not really sure what's my purpose in life but, as Katy Monster says: "Who does really?" I'm also terribly stubborn, to the point of making people around me go nuts. I love to make new friends, but am a bit too shy and I ain't a good friend ^^;

Oh, I'm also a Gay Fan. So...yeah.

I still dunno what I'm gonna write about here. But I bet it'll be related to school and friends and random things I find interesting or worth fangirling for ^^; I'd also like to post pics always...but we'll see ^^;

I think that's pretty much all now :D

Hope to see you around ^^;




    Don't let me pressure you into this XDD Just write what you feel and have fun!! ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Kuro-dearest~~!

      OK. I'll try my best then ^^9 XDD
