Saturday, 21 January 2012

Of course! That's where! Ö

I've just came to realisation D: Suddenly, it hit me square on the face D:

I HAD seen Michael Fassbender before... And I thought he was an awesome actor...and a handsome one too, with a nice irish accent XD And he's also half german...and his accent is so...NGFFFFHH!! >w< XB

I saw him thanks to one of my favourite Uni teachers~ :BBB

It's just I never came to look for him because I needed to write an essay about the film (it was a History class and it had to do with of my favorite countries in the world XD) and I was busy trying to make it nice enough: I saw him in Hunger :DDD

I loved that film. Won't say much about it now because it's kinda late now and I've only watched it once because it's so...powerful... Although I'm only using that adjective to say something, because I really dunno how to express how much of an impact it had in me u.u Mostly when they take  him out of the hospital wing, completely consumed, just about to die... D:

Oh, geeeeee~!! I feel so excited because of this! °((>w<))° :DDD Knowledge is happiness...sometimes XD

I wanted to post something else I thought about this afternoon...well, on Friday's afternoon, but I don't remember what it was. While I remember, enjoy Mike's beautiful face :B

And I now need to say: it's all Kuro's fault u.ú



  1. I happily take the blame, dearest! ;D

    You watched Hunger?? *u* I personally have not and probably won't. DD": Just too much sadness for me and my fragile Fassy-soul despite all the great things said about it.

    UNF /gotta love his german-irish accent! V V

    1. I'm glad you do u.ú Because you've created a monster (according to one of my friends...although, I disagree u.ú XD)

      Yes, I did. As I said, for school XD It was a must u.u Yes, it's quite...tough, really. Mostly the last scene and...the...well, no, I won't say anything >>

      Ow, indeed *drooooooools* Grrrawr~ :B XDDD
