Brandon Sullivan (Michael Fassbender) has a successful life: he's brilliant at his job, he has money, he has all the girls he wants and he's single.
And he's also addicted to sex.
I was planning to go and see it as soon as it was released here or something like that. And I must admit I was also kinda scared: "Gee, I know this is gonna be SO intense". That was why I told a couple of friends to go with me.
First thing to make me wanna see it was Fassy, of course. Second one was Steve McQueen.
And obviously, watching them working together again, since their work in Hunger was quite interesting. It was stunning and dramatic and hard, the whole concept...but beautiful all the same.
That was what I expected of Shame.
And that was what I had.
Of course there were sex scenes and nudes. It was expected if the main character is addicted to sex. But they weren't grotesque, nor offensive. Any of that. Or at least I didn't see it that way. And its whole dramatic construction is so well done: the use of the depth of field, photography aesthetics, camera moves, time/space articulations through sounds, voices, music and its contrast, the use of the motionless camera for crucial dialogues (as McQueen did in Hunger too) and other features I can't describe (because of my lack of English vocabulary and knowledge related to these kind of things) makes you think and realize there is more to be seen than what is shown in the screen. And those gaps make you wonder and think over the whole plot and Brandon's life and how hard it must be for him to live the way he does.
Of course, actors and actresses works are always important for a good film to be one. And Fassy's work was amazing and also Carey Mulligan's ;____; I loved her so much.
So, this one was also stunning and dramatic and hard...but beautiful all the same :) It SO was, that I couldn't even sleep last night giving it a thought XD And it is sad because I know it won't last in cinemas for long... Because of its nature u.u
At least I went to watch it on the silver screen...on St. Patrick's Day ;D Get it? XDDD
I also loved the soundtrack. And I want it. NAO.
Been reading Jane Eyre too. And then, I'm gonna watch the movie, featuring Mia Wasikowska and Fassy again XD I CAN'T wait to see him as Mr. Rochester. The character himself is so much fun XDDD And its score was composed by Dario Marianelli :BBBB
Such a fangirl I am X_x