Not really. At least not as free as I'd like to be XD But free from school, I am XD I'm still going to go to work...and...yeah...I've started some other summer plans I don't feel like continuing X_x XD
But that's not the point now XD
So! Everytime, when finals are coming or when I'm under big amounts of stress, I tend to cling onto something to fangirl about XD This time was no exception!
Y'see... I've always liked superhero movies. For real. When I was a little girl and I watched Spider Man for the first time, I was overwhelmed. I was so thrilled that brilliant things like those could exist that I started thinking hard on my own stories in order for them to get, at least, to the feet of such OSOMness.
I could never do such thing, but am still trying to imagine...and develop.
Anyways, that wasn't the point either. I went to watch the Avengers with my friends. I must say it was a bit too much for me XD But I still was affected by the Avenger's fever more than I could've suspected I would. And...yeah...I fell for Loki u.u Well, for everyone. But Loki...yeah =w= <3 XD
I won't explain why, but I think it's pretty obvious XD I know the whole movie is just smashing and crashing and special effects and etc... But, hey! It was so much fun to watch. You really can't blame me. Besides, I was lucky enough to watch it with funny people, so we were happily fangirling over the movie. And the theatre was almost always half-empty, since we went to watch it on midweeks. Yeah, that means I've watched it more than once. I'll leave it there XD
And now I am in love with Tom Hiddleston u.u X_x Well. I'd like to meet him at least :D As much as I'd like to meet Fassy and James. Just to talk and laugh with them. I think it'd be so interesting to have a chat with them :D And so much fun as well! :DDDD
Also, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate their beautiful features or their voices, their hands, their eyes and their heights u.úb I'm just saying that the important thing I see in them is the fact that I think one could discuss so many cool things with them :D Although I think those other features also add some kind of charm to them XD
A. Ny. Way. I also became a little nostalgic and I wanted to watch xmfc...but I can't because Aio's got my copy in her house! TOT I miss it! TOT It's been there since April T^T9 I want it back! /tantrums
And here comes the point of this post: I was rewatching xmfc's trailer. And I found this comment:
Can someone explain to me why is this movie so UNDERRATED ???? I actually think this is the best Super Hero movie that has ever been shown on the BIG screen.
And then I found this one as a reply:
Nope, The Avengers took that spot now. It was a good movie to watch, I'll give them that.
C'mon, people! Fandom wars? Here? Please don't! D: Both have their good features and their fails. And every person in this world has the right to like whatever they want and to like it better than other things (even twilighters, even if I find them absolutely insufferable and I can't understand their feelings towards that so-called "book series". They're more like..."how-to-be-a-good-house-wife-pamphlets" or "how-to-get-yourself-a-self-proclaimed-vampire-boyfriend-and-a-so-called-werewolf-going-after-your-bones-even-if-you're-absolutely-gray-and-dull-pamphlets"). I can say I love them both: I do think xmfc is very well written and adapted and situated in an interesting historical moment and I think it is the best of the X-Men series so far (been watching them all the last month). Nothing felt forced up (at least for me), everything was clear enough from the beginning and it was dense (I mean, every scene had a functional purpose). And I also think it has an important message of tolerance u.u I find it mature u.u

As for the Avengers... I think it is more like...a children movie, with a bit of spicy humour spread around and some glimpses of deepness that adults might find attractive. Even the characters have some childish features in their personalities and dialogues and that makes it (in my opinion, at least) more fresh than mature. It also has a message...but I think it is more for people learning to team work with other people with tall egos and all. Or I dunno. Maybe it's just for entertainment. That's what I thought of it.
Also, both have WONDERFUL casts, acting, great visual effects and cool music u.u And both are from Marvel! D: What else can we ask for, people? They're entertaining us! That's why blockbusters rock! XDDD Don't fight over them or you'll take all the fun out of them u.u I'm trying to be equal here u.u That's my way to see things u.u And this is my blog, so I can say whatever I want about this! u.ú9 XD
I wanted to say something else, but I think... Oh, now I remember! :D X Men First Class 2 will be released on July, 2014. But, as far as I've read, they say it might only bring Mystique as protagonist (being played by Jen Lawrence again :3)...and it might as well bring back miss Ellen Page as Shadowcat :3
I'd like to see more James and Fassy u.u Let's hope they can cameo there or something~ :3
A second part for The Avengers has also been confirmed. But there will be no Loki in it u.u Although, he'll be in Thor 2 :)
But we'll see~! :D
I watched Thor today too. I liked it very much. Made me laugh and squeal lots XD I'll talk about that later XD
Random notes:
* I've always liked Marvel better than DC >3> Although! My fav from DC's Batman XD
* I miss your posts, Kuro hun ;____; And you too, of course XD Hope you're having a great time and come back safe~ :3